Sunday, February 13

Bringing Brigadeiro to America. By plane.

Legend says that the popular Brazilian bonbon, was named after Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes. An air marshal and politician of the early days in Brazil. Nobody has much idea why. So you just gonna have to trust the popular word on this!
But nevertheless, it's yummy, ease, and very popular in Brazil.  And it's gaining popularity over here in America quiet fast. At least on my surroundings...  Try this and see for yourself why!
Here is brigadeiro on Wiki.

1 can of sweet condensed milk
2 TBS of butter
3 to 4 TBS of semi-sweet good quality cocoa powder.

How to:

In a saucepan, pour the condensed milk, the butter and the cocoa.
Stir all of the ingredients and bring it to a low heat stirring slowly.
As it starts to boil, increase the stirring speed and keep stirring until it's not sticking to the
pan. It takes about 3 min after it starts boiling. But you will have to make your own judgment of that...

Turn off the heat and pour the brigadeiro over a plate or parchment paper to cool down.
When it's completely cooled, roll it into bonbons. Roll the bonbons over chopped nuts, sprinkles, coconut or whatever you like.
This makes very good alternative to the same old box of chocolates on V-day.
It's home made and very delicious.  When I make these, I hardly get to roll them into bonbons. I eat it right off the plate!

Happy Xoxoxoxo day!!!


sergio said...

Vem cozinhar pra mim Tatiii.

DelĂ­cia isso hein!!!

Tati M said...

lol what's in it for me???

Marianne said...

Mmmm chocolate and so easy to make yourself too. Defenitely an idea to keep for next christmas as gifts for family and friends.
Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love brigadeiros! U could share a recipe of a white one!!!

Kristin said...

Mmm!! Pretty and delicious! Coming to you from LambAround Blog hop!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Those sound really good!

AsylumTanya said...

Um, yeah, I am going to the kitchen right now and making some of those! Thanks for sharing it with Lamb Around!