It's called rain drops not only because it looks like water drops, (well mine looks like something was dropped, But everybody else should get something that at least resembles a rain drop) but it's also mostly like to be made in the rainy season in Brazil. When we get rained in, we go looking for comfort food, and if you don't have a house full of junk food, you will have to come up with something yourself. There will always be flour, eggs, sugar and milk in our pantry. With only these few ingredients we will have as comforting as comfort treat gets!

How to:
Mix well the eggs, sugar, milk and lemon zest.

Add the flour and baking powder and mix everything. Then you ready to fry them.

Preheat oil in a small pot. Let it get really hot then lower the heat so you cakes cooks through.

Drop one spoon of batter into the hot oil **Tip, if you use enough oil and the batter was made correctly, the drops will turn by it self when the side it's cooked.
Let them golden on both sides and transfer to a plate covered with paper towel.
Let it cool a little. then you can sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon. And if you using the honey, drizzle it all over it and enjoy!
**Note: I use 1 cup less of flour in most of my baking. All other recipes for this cake asks for 3 cups of flour. But this is something that not even my sister will convince me to do. If you want a less runny batter you may add the 3rd cup of flour. Other wise just use enough oil to fry them. that way they will have more room to be dropped and expand and have better shape.

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